Self Defence Classes
Whilst confronting someone to protect yourself, family, friends and property should always be last resort, an understanding of protection techniques is a fantastic resource to have.Our "Street Wise Self Defence Course" will give you all the necessary skills you need.Your qualified and friendly instructor will teach you quick and easy physical defence in various real life threatening situations. You will have access and use of all the advanced learning equipment.

The course will provide you with the skills to learn how to avoid confrontation.With a practical and theory component you will leave the course feeling safer and more knowledgeable in the easy art of “Street wise” self defence.The course is suitable for all ages and children are encouraged to participate with their parents.This is a fantastic way to reward staff as we can come to you in your office environment or treat loved ones to a course that may save their life.Relax your mind and save your body.
is held over two nights at a cost of $80
* Certificate. * Qualified and experienced instructor with over 47 years of experience.
* Safe and friendly environment. * Appropriate learning equipment.
* Learn avoidance and prevention which is a better response than fighting back.
* Easy tactical and effective defence in various potential real life threatening situations.
To register your interest in the course
either ring us on : +61 400 494 639 or click the button below and register on line.
Once sufficient interest is received to hold a class we will contact you and advise you of details.